We have over a decade of experience conducting qualitative and mixed-method research in a variety of settings and capacities. We specialize in user experience research, program evaluation, exploration/discovery, and usability testing. We delight in working closely with our clients, collaboratively, to help them build and test their ideas. 


Data Collection, Analysis, and Project Management: 

We offer research services using a variety of methodologies, such as ethnography, contextual inquiries, focus groups, in-depth interviewing, surveys, diary studies, case studies, card sorting techniques, and participatory design. We have experience designing and managing both generative and evaluative research projects using remote and in-context strategies. Whether for additional bandwidth for your team or full project management, we bring a wide set of skills to any phase of your research or evaluation project.

Data Visualization and Infographics: 

Whether you need to communicate just one key finding or synthesize a full set of data, we produce simple, visually-driven reporting that keeps your audience and brand front and center. We also provide graphic organizers and infographics that illustrate and communicate complex ideas, plans, and processes.

Communication and Reporting:  

We love helping clients understand their data. We provide a variety of reporting products to communicate your results or data, such as technical reports, white papers, literature reviews, verbal presentations, and short reports. We even offer more participatory reporting strategies, such as evaluation findings workshops for you and your stakeholders. We can quickly synthesize large amounts of existing data and information to provide key insights and recommendations.

Program Evaluation and Evaluation Capacity Building:  

We particularly love working with clients to help them build their own capacity to evaluate their programs and services. In addition to general evaluation services, we provide one-on-one and group training or consultation, as well as technical support, to help organizations design and understand their evaluation projects.